Reflect the Style of Your Home by Choosing the Right Wood


The most important choice in parquet selection is to select the right tree in the most suitable way for use and space.
TGS will enable you to reflect your light in your spaces with different tree options.

Select Classification


Natural knots of wood with limited size and number of knots are allowed within the classification. The classification also allows for moderate or little colour variation. A minimum amount of Sapwood, intact knots less than 10 mm in diameter, filled knots less than 7 mm in diameter are allowed.

Trend Classification


Natural knots of wood with limited size and number of knots are allowed within the classification. The classification also allows for moderate or little colour variation. A minimum amount of Sapwood, intact knots less than 10 mm in diameter, filled knots less than 7 mm in diameter are allowed.

Dark Classification


Classic is a natural-looking classification in which the natural grain pattern and colour differences of the wood are clearly visible. The surface of a plate may contain unlimited Sapwoods. Colour change is allowed. Small bumps, light brown streaks, repaired knots up to 25 mm, neatly filled holes, slight defects in surface work and burns are accepted.

Rustic Classification


A parquet surface may contain marked discolouration, unlimited lumps, brown streaks, open or filled knots with no size limit.
The knots create the antique effect on the wood and emphasize the authentic oak texture. NOTE! Coloured surface treatment can change the appearance and colour of the filled area. A small amount of Sapwood is allowed, small filled cracks to small intact and repaired low knots.